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Should You Give Your Tithes and Offerings in Times of Trouble?

Should the Church Change the People or

Should the People Change the Church?

Samson: Strong Yet Weak
The Bible is NOT Just a BookWritten by Man

Can you be spiritually strong but weak in your flesh? There are so many lessons from Samson. In out study of how the bible came to be we will only spend a few sessions on Samson and his issues. Just like today for many He was looking for love in the wrong place

Samson The Style Setter
The Bible is NOT Just a Book Written by Man

We continue in our study of the bible from Genesis to Exodus - searching out understanding to stand against those that turn from its knowledge with their well rehearsed excuse for not believing. They say "The Bible is just a book written by man."  So, what man? Who wrote what?

Does it say in the bible that God told man to write? Does it say anything in the bible about you making copies? Well...

© 2018 Keith A. Hopps

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